Had a couple of bad nasty days But the nice companie i had on the tours made up for it, the weather was cold and miserable to say the least. And with this switch over from summer to winter without any sign of autumn in between, It threw everything out, i even have flue for the first time in 5 years. Meerkats are doing good. They also struggle with this miserable weather but they seem more comfortable than i am with it.
The funniest thing happened the other day. had some guests and like usual we were walking with the meerkats while they were foraging and all of a sudden an Aardwolf came jogging over the field. Now i don't think these meerkat have ever seen an aardwolf, You know, they are nocturnal and meerkat's are diurnal, witch means they never come in contact. So i think this aardwolf was a little lost. We were about 300m away from the burrows when this happened and normally the meerkat would just run to the closest aardvark, porcupine or mongoose burrow when in danger. Well they were so surprised by this odd looking nocturnal creature that they ran strait past a porcupine burrow and a mongoose burrow straight threw our legs, one even bumped into one of the guests legs and then ran another 100m to the main burrows. I have never seen them so frightened.
And for all those who has asked in the past i have eventually started my book, but don't hold your breaths i tipe with one finger.
Till next time.
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